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Prírodné, ručne vyrábané vegánske mydlo vyrábané v malých dávkach s jemne mletou škoricou. Jemne odstraňuje odumreté kožné bunky a stimuluje krvný obeh. Zvyšok čistí, pretože o to predsa mydlu ide. Voňavé, ale verte nám, že to ani inak nešlo. Mydlo vie dobre poslúžiť aj ako voňavý produkt do vašich skríň. 


Všetky mydlá MDM sú vyrábané výhradne ručne. Ingrediencie sa ručne miešajú, nalievajú do drevených foriem, potom sa ručne krájajú a lisujú. Každá dávka môže mať mierne odlišnú farbu a tvar. Formule sú vždy jemné na pokožke, pekne penia a dlho vydržia. Dbajte na to, aby ste mydlá skladovali na suchom mieste, napríklad v mydelniciach s malým otvorom na dne alebo na sieťke.




Natural handcrafted vegan soap made in small batches with finely ground cinnamon. This one delicately removes dead skin cells and stimulates circulation. The rest cleans because that's what soap is all about after all. Scented, but believe us there was no other way. This Cinnamon soap is really solid.

V-Label Vegan certified.

All of MDM soaps are entirely handmade. The ingredients are mixed by hand, poured into wooden moulds, then cut and stamped by hand. Each batch can be slightly different in color and shape. Formulas are always delicate on the skin, they foam up nicely and will last a long time. Make sure that you store your soaps in a dry place, such as soap dish with a small hole in the bottom or on mesh.


7,50 €Price
  • Ingredients (INCI): Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Olivate, Sodium Palmate*, Glycerin, Sodium Castorate**, Sodium Shea Butterate**, Sodium Sweet Almondate, Sodium Cocoa Butterate**, Parfum, Cinnamomum Cassia Bark Powder, Coumarin***, Eugenol***, Cinnamyl Alcohol***, Linalool***

    * RSPO Certificate
    ** Unrefined
    *** Possible allergens

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